Early Symptoms for Head and Neck Cancer | Dr Sanjeev Mohanty

 Any kind of cancer can be scary. But when it comes to cancer with the head and neck, it can seem like there are no warning signs to watch out for.

The symptoms of head and neck cancer can affect certain parts of the nose, sinuses, larynx, throat, and mouth. Often, the malignant growth is found in the epithelium above the mucous membranes of the different neck and head structures. This can then lead to symptoms in the immediate area. These symptoms can vary. Many of the signs of head and neck cancer can be due to other less complicated conditions.

That’s why it’s important to keep an eye out for any health changes that may appear or seem out of the ordinary. Keep reading to learn more about head and neck cancer and warning signs you may want to be on the lookout for.

Head and Neck Cancer Symptoms

Like most other cancers, having cancer that’s located in the head and neck can be cured if it’s detected early enough. The good news is, most neck and head cancers exhibit early signs. Successfully treating neck and head cancer relies on early detection. Knowing these symptoms can help save your life.

Here are some of the early indicators :

Swelling in the Mouth

A painless growth or sore in the mouth that doesn’t go away could be a sign of tongue or mouth cancers. There might be bleeding, but that won’t usually occur until later stages of cancer. If you have any swelling in your mouth that doesn’t disappear in a week, you need to see your doctor sooner than later.

Swallowing Difficulty

Cancer of the esophagus or throat can make it harder to swallow solid foods and even liquids. Whenever you eat, the food may end up getting stuck or go through your stomach, only to come right back up. If you find that you’re having difficulty anytime you swallow something, you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. They may also use tests like an upper endoscopy or an endoscopic ultrasound. These tests allow your doctor to see the lining of the esophagus, and may also be used to get a tissue sample from the lymph nodes.

Lump in the Neck

For cancers that start either in the neck or head, it’s common to see them spread to the lymph nodes in your neck first. If you have a lump in your neck that lasts for over two weeks, please let your doctor know. This is not normal. Although all lumps are not cancer, having a lump in your neck for this period of time could be something else of concern. This could be something else entirely like a growth or a benign tumor. It could also be a different kind of cancer like cancer of the thyroid gland, mouth cancer, throat cancer, blood cancers, or cancer in your voice box. This kind of lump could be painless but it will continue to get larger steadily over time.

Bringing up Blood while Coughing or Unusual Bleeding

Tumors in the mouth, throat, lungs, or nose can cause bleeding. If you spot blood in your phlegm or saliva for more than a couple of days, let your doctor know as soon as you can. Seeing some blood when you blow your nose is one thing but if you cough and see blood for several days in a row, this is something that should cause concern.

Skin Changes

Malignant melanoma, basal, and squamous cell cancer are types of neck and head cancer. Any mole that begins to bleed or change color or size could be a sign of malignant melanoma. You should have this looked at by a doctor at the earliest. Basal cell cancer is one of the most common cancers of the head and neck. Basal cell cancer starts out as a small, pale patch that gradually becomes bigger. It produces a dimple in the middle and then becomes an ulcer. Squamous cell cancers, which look a lot like basal cell cancers, occur mostly on the ear and lower lip. When caught early and treated properly, squamous cell cancers aren’t deadly. If there’s a sore on your ear or lip that doesn’t go away, see your doctor right away.

Constant Pain in or around the Ear

If you have a persistent earache whenever you swallow this can be a sign of a tumor growing in your throat. This is most concerning if the ear pain is also accompanied by hoarseness, a lump in the neck, or problems swallowing.

Changing Voice

Cancers of the larynx can cause your voice to change. Although most voice changes aren’t a result of cancer, it’s best not to take any chances. If your voice has turned hoarse for more than two weeks, schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Risk Factors for Developing Neck and Head Cancer

For most people with neck and head cancers, it’s due to exposure to high-risk activities. Risk factors that increase your chances of developing head and neck cancers include:

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight, which makes you more likely to develop skin cancer

  • Drinking alcohol, chewing tobacco, smoking cigars, or smoking cigarettes increases your risk of developing tongue, throat, mouth, or voice box cancer

  • Throat cancer can be caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

Early Detection of Head and Neck Cancer

A multispeciality team of surgeons collaboratively assesses patient’s symptoms. After confirming a head or neck cancer diagnosis, a highly individualized treatment plan is developed for best results. For many of our patients, this means non-invasive surgical methods combined with virtual real-time computer scans. This allows our surgeons to remove tumors without the need for more invasive procedures, and more importantly, it lets patients get back to their lives more quickly.



For further queries about the infections, diseases, and treatments of the ear, nose or throat, Dr Mohanty’s Speciality ENT Clinics in Chennai, India can help in a number of ways,


Dr Mohanty’s Speciality Ent Clinics

Manapakkam, Chennai, India. 



